
IACM at AOAC International

September 1, 2017

IACM staff and members are participating in a session chaired by Dr. Bhakti Harp of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration at the upcoming AOAC International 2017 meeting. The session will be Monday, September 25 at 3:30 pm and the Conference is in Atlanta, GA. More information about the Conference is available here. The session […]

IACM Session at IFT17

June 22, 2017

For everyone attending IFT this year – make sure to attend Session 097: New Research in Support of the Safety of Synthetic Colors! The session will be held Wednesday, June 28 at 1 pm in Titian 2201A and will feature talks from IACM’s Scientific Director Dr. Maria Bastaki, as well as IACM member Dr. George […]

IACM Confirms Safety of Color Additives

May 4, 2017

Dr. Maria Bastaki to Present Findings at IFT17 WASHINGTON (May 4, 2017) — The International Association of Color Manufacturers (IACM) recently released three studies that confirm prior assumptions that synthetic color additives are safe for human consumption. Founded in 1972 by color industry leaders as the Certified Color Manufacturers Association, IACM continues to be a […]

Tartrazine & Allura Red Publications

May 1, 2017

IACM recently published two studies in Food and Chemical Toxicology, which were undertaken in response to a 2013 European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) opinion that recommended that new tests be carried out to address uncertainties related to the color’s possible genotoxicity. The opinion was specific to Allura Red, but the recommendation applied to 5 other […]

IACM Comments Submitted to FDA on Fruit Juice and Vegetable Juice as Color Additives Draft Guidance

May 1, 2017

IACM has submitted comments to the docket established by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seeking feedback on its Draft Guidance for Industry: Fruit Juice and Vegetable Juice as Color Additives in Food. Although FDA’s intent may have been to clarify certain terms used in both the fruit and vegetable juice color additive regulations, the practical […]

IACM Exposure Project Publication

April 19, 2017

IACM has sponsored a refined exposure assessment using data provided by its member companies and the resulting publication is now available in the peer reviewed journal, Food Additives & Contaminants. The publication reinforces IACM’s long standing position that food color use as currently practiced in the United States is safe and does not result in excessive exposure to the […]

Canada – Amaranth

March 17, 2017

Health Canada Proposal to Modify Permitted Uses of Amaranth IACM submitted comments in response to Health Canada’s proposal to modify the currently permitted uses of amaranth in various foods. Comments

IACM Comments

October 24, 2016

National Organic Standards Board IACM submitted comments in response to the Agricultural Marketing Service’s request for comments regarding the National Organic Standards Board meeting in support of beta-Carotene extract color. Comments

Speakers Announced for the Upcoming 2016 IACM Global Color Conference

September 30, 2016

Program to Focus on the Evolution of Using Color in Food Products WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 30, 2016) – The International Association of Color Manufacturers is hosting its 2016 Global Color Conference, November 15-16, at The Ritz-Carlton, Pentagon City, in Arlington, VA. This year’s theme, “Navigating the Evolving Landscape for Food Colors,” will offer those attending […]

IACM Statement on Codex GSFA

August 2, 2016

IACM is the trade association that represents the manufacturers and end-users of coloring substances that are used in foods, including natural and synthetic colors. IACM participates as a nongovernmental observer at the Codex Alimentarius Commission, particularly at the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA), which considers colors for inclusion in the General Standard of Food […]

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