INS No. 102
FD&C Yellow No. 5
E 102
CAS No. 1934-21-0
CI Food Yellow 4
Tartrazine is a monoazo dyes that occurs as a yellow-orange powder or granules. It is principally the trisodium salt of 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl) -4- [4-sulfophenyl-azo] -1H-pyrazole -3-carboxylic acid and may be converted to the corresponding aluminum lake.
Tartrazine provides a lemon-yellow color and can be used in drugs, cosmetics, and foods, including dietary supplements, beverages, frozen treats, powder mixes, gelatin products, candies, icings, jellies, spices, dressings, sauces, baked goods and dairy products.
Tartrazine (INS No. 102) is added to foods and beverages at concentrations up to a maximum permitted level (MPL) as established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. There are currently more than 40 food categories for which MPLs for tartrazine have been adopted in the General Standard for Food Additives.
Lack of genotoxicity in vivo for food color additive Tartrazine. Food & Chemical Toxicology, 2017. Available online.
Safety evaluation of certain food additives (Eighty-second meeting of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives). WHO Food Additives Series 73, 2017. Available online
EFSA (2009) Scientific Opinion on the re-evaluation of Tartrazine (E 102) on request from the European Commission. EFSA Journal, 7(11), 1331, 52 pp. Available online