Calcium Carbonate

IACM Fact Sheet


INS No. 170(i)
E 170
CAS No. 471-34-1
CI Pigment White 18
CI No. 77220

Physical Description

Calcium carbonate is a fine, white powder consisting essentially of precipitated calcium carbonate (CaCO3) prepared either by grinding naturally occurring limestone or synthetically, by precipitation.

Common Uses

Calcium carbonate can be used to color drugs, and food such as confectionery products.


EU Commission

Codex GSFA Provisions

Calcium carbonate is a food additive that is included in Table 3 of the General Standard of Food Additives (GSFA), and as such may be used in specified foods under the conditions of good manufacturing practices (GMP) as outlined in the Preamble of the Codex GSFA.

Regulatory Approvals

JECFA: An ADI “not limited” was established at the 9th JECFA (9th Report, 1965).

USA: Calcium carbonate is a color additive exempt from certification that was permanently listed for use in drugs in 1967 , for specific food uses in 2017 and to color dietary supplements and tablets in 2022. Currently, calcium carbonate is allowed in amounts consistent with GMP to color soft and hard candies and mints, in dietary supplement tablets and capsules, and in inks used on the surface of chewing gum (21 CFR 73.70) and is permanently listed for drug use generally in amounts consistent with GMP (21 CFR 73.1070).

EC: An ADI of not specified (EFSA, 2011). EFSA has authorized use in specific food and beverage categories at quantum satis via Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on food additives

Safety Reviews

EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources added to Food (ANS); Scientific Opinion on re-evaluation of calcium carbonate (E 170) as a food additive. EFSA Journal 2011;9(7):2318 [73 pp.]. Available online